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Exploring the holy texts

Thy word is truth, John 17:17

Sanctify them through thy truth.—Better, in Thy truth. it was in Truth their sanctification was to take place. They had through Christ received the Father’s word, which was truth, and had passed into a new region of life, separate from the world (John 17:6-8; John 17:14-16). Jesus prayed that the Father would preserve them in this, and now He prays further that the Father would in this new region of life set them apart for the work to which He had sent them (John 17:18). Elliott's Commentary for English Readers

The Word of the Lord is the final authority where "truth" is concerned.

God has set a standard in His Word in which He commands us to not go beyond, but heed and daily apply to our lives.

We are reminded of 2 truths in this text. (1) The Word of God is the truth that we ALL must be sanctified by for there is no other way to be set apart for God's service apart from His Word which is truth.

(2) The Word of God is truth. Believing or attempting to believe that sanctification is done any other way than through the Word of God is a lie. God's word is final authority, even if man chooses to willfully disobey it.

God and His Word is One. We cannot love God and not love His Word. The two go hand in hand.

"Sanctify" them with your truth is the powerful statement that is made by Jesus in this text.

Sanctification is not something we do ourselves, it is a work and a process that is done in us by means of God's Holy Spirit that dwells in us after our confession of faith in Christ Jesus. In other words, after salvation.

The "Word of God" is what sanctifies, washes, regenerate and transforms the mind. It is with the mind that we are taught and learned truth through God's Word.

With our hearts, we learn to love God's truth. With our will, we yield and submit to God's will and authority by yielding to the spirit of truth which is God's Word by daily application of it in every area of our lives.

John 14:15-If you love me, keep my commands.

The point that Jesus is driving home to ALL of us who are of the household of faith is that we must be taking God’s word and daily applying it to every area of our lives if we are to grow and be conformed to His likeness, which is God's purpose for all of us. read more by Debra at

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