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Exceedingly Strange Church (Pt 1)

Dead Synchronicity

What was initially established as fortress for them that believed in the saving power of God through His son Jesus Christ, a place to build each other up in faith that is more precious than all precious stones of the earth. The very place that upheld and contended for the truth that was once for all delivered by the apostles, a place for encouragement in the face of adversity and persecution, the church, has grown exceedingly strange.

Built on the foundation of Gods word and all the truth therein, history has seen the very foundation of what the church was built on continually being perverted by men/women who call themselves ministers of God. And not only them, but even the vast majority of the congregations have gone blind to the fact that they are called to investigate the fruit of all who stand behind a mic claiming to speak for/from God. Instead of being excited about the glory of God and the truth of His word, they'd rather be entertained, touched by anything and everything that makes love to their flesh. For if it looks, sounds, tastes, smells and feels right is must be righteous to them.

Because of the need to continually entertain the masses, these 'ministers of God' have twisted the truth in Gods word for their selfish gain and have at the same time appealed to the desires of their congregations. These 'Preacher and prophets' in the pulpits are profiting off prophecies that profit the masses that they lead, there’s no correction, no rebuke, no call to repentance Just a new house, a new car, more blessings, and even more reasons not to submit to the authority of Christ. Equally, because of the need to be entertained and because the masses have not studied to show themselves approved by the truth in Gods word, it makes perfect sense for them to approve of any and every fool that preaches heresy sprinkled with a little truth, cause sound teaching doesn’t seem to matter any more as long as they can preach good and appeal to their desires.

These ministers, have pasted cotton balls over their grey fur to fool the masses. You think they are sheep, but inside they are ravenous wolves with evil eyes, Skinning the faith of the saints with their teeth and exploiting their congregants because they have ceased in discernment. They make pronouncements that appeal to the flesh and at that moment, the congregants send out the highest praise because their flesh is getting pleased. They cannot have their flesh getting weak and sincerely fall to their knees and ask the Lord to show them the parts that make Him want to heave, yet instead of sincere worship they'd rather, throw up their hands, and puke out unknown tongues Without an interpreter to even tell them what spiritual door the tongues broke through. No wonder, unbelievers can't see the truth.

With doctrines like them being small gods, praying in tongues, tapping into the spiritual, naming and claiming their desires, having their best life now, over elevating their prideful leaders etc. their nature as man has been elevated and exalted high above what they really are. And in this state they have claimed to be free while in reality they are still enslaved to the passion and desires of their flesh and to the falsehood taught to them. Hostile men/women who don't and can't give ear to the truth of Gods word, but of them and of their leaders Paul spoke in (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

And so did Peter in (2 Peter 2:1-3)

1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves.

2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.

3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.

The truth of Gods word is clearly seen by all who seek to find it in scripture, indeed by the power of the spirit of God did the apostles speak of this that we now see. it's not strange anymore nor is it rare. for in every street corner and in a vast majority of the so-called churches are these damning heresies taught and upheld by both the members and their ministers. And the church is being disestablished and again growing exceedingly strange, at the very core, these are not churches and their leaders are not ministers of God.

*watch out for pt 2.*

Extractions from Jackie Hills' poem JIG-A-Boo.

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