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Christian Jig*A*Boos

(inspired by Jackie Hill Perry Poem J*A*Boos)

What has happened to the Church? Christians have suddenly gone blind to the fact that we are called to investigate the fruit of all who stand at the pulpit. Most have become Jig*A*Boos; people with a holy facade like white faces painted over their black colored hearts. Instead of being excited about the glory of God, we'd rather be entertained touched by anything and everything that makes love to our flesh. For if it looks, sounds, tastes, smells, feels, right is must be righteous, right?

Moved by the moment and with a tingly feeling inside during praise and worship we make believe that the session is anointed but in truth it just means that we’re emotionally inclined to base reality on how we feel instead of truth. If we cant buy rotten fruit, how come we buy anything and everything that anyone who claims to speak on behalf of God sells? And because of our need to be entertained instead of the need for our flesh to be beaten up and maimed, we continue to sit back and eat rotten fruit.

If you don’t study to show yourself approved, it makes perfect sense for you to approve of any and every fool that preaches heresy, sprinkled with a little truth cause sound teaching doesn’t seem to matter any more as long as they can preach good right? When they Hand grip the mic, scream into the crowd and breath hard in between every word like they're having a heart attack and the organist and drummers in position to play the sound track to the spectacle we wanna call “worship”. Yet even Apostle Paul said that his preaching was plain, and void of clever and persuasive words so the listeners faith would not be based on human wisdom but in the power of God - 1Corinthians 2:3-5.

These Preacher and prophets in the pulpits, profiting off prophecies that profit you, there's no correction, no rebuke, no call to repentance Just a new house, a new car, more blessings, and even more reasons not to submit And you wonder why your ears cant stop itching - 2Timothy 4:3-4. These men have pasted cotton balls over their grey fur to fool the masses, as a matter of fact, some of them are your pastors. You think they are sheep, but inside they are ravenous wolves with evil eyes Skinning the faith of the saints with their teeth because we have ceased in discernment. They say, “I speak cars!”, you say, "I receive", they say, "I speak healing", you say, "I receive." God says, Die to yourselves!

Its crazy how the highest praise is only sent up when our flesh is getting pleased. What happened to our flesh getting weak, what happened to sincerely falling to our knees and asking the lord to show us the parts of us that make him want to heave. But we’d rather, throw up our hands, and puke out unknown tongues Without an interpreter to even tell us what spiritual door the tongues broke thru. No wonder, unbelievers cant see the truth like Stevie wonder staring at the results of lie detector test, Because without order in the church, the blind stay bound and confused.

But God will not be mocked again for you, He became a slave a for you, beaten and maimed for you, whipped at least 41 times,with led tips ripping into the back of the creator of skin. His holiness colored with your sin as He drank from the bitter fountain of Gods wrath. Christ died so that you could be a new creation so Loose yourself from that noose saturated in religion and choose which side you will be on because no one can serve two master. More than 2000 years ago, Jesus’s Christ death abolished our spiritual shackles but too many of us have gotten comfortable with our religious traditions and superstitions that we remain enslaved while proclaiming that we’re free. Many of us, don’t even realize they are Jig-A-Boos, people with a Christian personality, oblivious to their slave mentality.

Harriet Tubman was quoting in saying “I freed a thousand slaves, I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were enslaved.” So instead of tap dancing and shouting to the beat of you own drum, get on your knees, put your face to the ground where all you can see, hear, taste and smell is repentance and belief in God. Study the word and gain discernment for among us there are wolves dressed in sheep's clothing, And no wonder, for even the devil masquerade as an angel of light, it is not surprising then if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. - 2Corinthians 11:14-15. But the one being fooled is you!!

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